
On October 30th, 2023 the first dozer was unloaded at sunrise and work commenced at the 10th green. The beginning of construction was the culmination of fifteen months of intense planning and coordination along with the genuine excitement and support of the local community. The same afternoon, despite 40 degree temperatures and brisk 25 mph South Dakota winds, a ground breaking ceremony was held on site and attended by over 75 people.

The goal for fall of 2023 was to get 15-20 work-days in before the Thanksgiving holiday.That plan would allow for a slight "head-start" on construction where the team planned to shape the par 3, 10th hole and half of the par 5, 18th hole. Little did we know, mother nature had a different plan in mind. The weather pattern far exceeded a normal South Dakota fall. The construction crew was able to grow in numbers throughout November and into December. When the arctic blast finally came through just before New Year's Day, the crew on site had work for over 50 days. Substantial work was completed on hole numbers 9, 10, 11 and 18. In addition to the golf hole shaping, additional dirt work and site clearing and cleanup were able to be completed. Setting the stage for the team to hit the ground running again in the spring.